Day 30: Full Body Warm Up #2; Ryan and Cody's Favorites

For Day 30, perform the following for 15-30 minutes:


  • 10 Glute Bridges; 2" hold at top
  • Handstand Walk Drills
  • Goblet Squat; 30" hold
  • Pull Up Hang; 20-30" hold

Want better shoulder mobility? Download Day 1 of our Shoulder Mobility Program for free:

Glute Bridges

In the glute bridge, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the ground. Squeeze your butt and lift your hips off the ground.

Many people will over use their hamstrings in this drill, so you can cue them to use their glutes by having them visualize straightening their knees as they lift their hips. This will activate the quads slightly and help to relax the hamstrings

Glute Bridges

Handstand Drills

Handstand Drills

If you are new to being upside down, you may need to have a coach or buddy spot you.

Handstands for many people are uncomfortable. There is no reason to rush through the preliminary phases too quickly. Stay at the drill that you are comfortable with. Don’t rush through these because you will miss valuable training if you progress too quickly.

If you can’t hold a handstand against the wall for 30 seconds, do not progress to the Conans. If you can’t do a full Conan without stopping, don’t progress to the free standing walk.

Goblet Squat Hold

Use a moderately light kettlebell for this hold. Make sure you hold the goblet squat in a good squat position. Don’t let your upper or lower back round forward. You may have to sacrifice depth to maintain neutral spinal positioning and that is ok.

If you mobilize a squat in a less than optimal position, it won’t translate into a good squat position. If you are unsure if your back is neutral, revisit day l’s lateral lunge using the 3 points of contact on the dowel.

Goblet Squat Hold

Pull Up Hang

Pull Up Hang

When doing the pull up hang, make sure to keep your ribs crunched and low back in neutral. It is very easy to let your low back over-arch, which will make this drill ineffective.

You can change your hand width or grip from under-hand to over-hand as necessary. There should be no pain or pinching in the shoulders. If there is, change grips.

Keep your head in neutral. Don’t push it forward.

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